Toluca convoca a jóvenes a participar en el Premio Municipal Leopoldo Flores 2016.

·  Merecido reconocimiento al creador del Cosmovitral 

·  El premio abre un espacio de expresión artística

Toluca, Estado de México, Capital con valor.-  Con el propósito de abrir un espacio de expresión artística, reconocer el talento de los jóvenes toluqueños y rendir un merecido homenaje al Doctor Honoris Causa por la UAEM Leopoldo Flores Valdés, por sus valores, entrega y legado, el H. Ayuntamiento de Toluca,  invita a hombres y mujeres de 12 a 29 años de edad con interés por las artes plásticas a participar en el Premio Municipal Leopoldo Flores 2016, cuya convocatoria estará abierta hasta el próximo viernes 3 de junio.

Los jóvenes podrán participar en los rubros de dibujo o pintura, en dos categorías: A, de 12 a 17 años y B, de 18 a 29 años y deberán desarrollar temáticas como: Prosperidad juvenil, Bienestar entre los jóvenes, Participación juvenil en la sociedad y los Jóvenes promueven la equidad.

A través de dichos temas, la administración municipal que encabeza Fernando Zamora Morales,  busca propiciar la reflexión en los jóvenes sobre su entorno y metas, además de fomentar su creatividad al plasmar ideas en una pieza artística, impulsándolos a la originalidad y la disciplina que implica la investigación de las temáticas a desarrollar.

Los premios serán: de la categoría A, tres mil pesos para el primer lugar; dos mil, para el segundo, y  mil, para el tercero, en ambos rubros; de la categoría B, cinco mil 500 pesos para el primer lugar; tres mil, para el segundo, y dos mil, para el tercero.

Los requisitos para inscribirse son: copia de credencial de elector vigente por los dos lados (si es menor de edad deberá ser la del padre o tutor), copia del acta de nacimiento y comprobante domiciliario no mayor a tres meses o una constancia domiciliaria.

Al reverso de cada trabajo los participantes deberán anotar en una ficha técnica los datos: título, técnica y medias de la obra; nombre completo del autor, edad, correo electrónico, domicilio (calle, número, colonia, delegación o municipio, código postal, entidad federativa), teléfono y cómo se enteró del concurso; también, en una hoja aparte, deberán incluir una breve explicación de la temática que escogieron para desarrollar el trabajo.

Serán rechazados los trabajos que hagan uso de personajes o imágenes de televisión, cine, historietas, revistas, logotipos, marcas, emblemas comerciales, partidos políticos y funcionarios públicos.

Los trabajos se recibirán hasta el 3 de junio, en el Instituto Municipal de la Juventud, ubicado en la calle José Vicente Villada número 441, Delegación Centro Histórico, al lado de la iglesia de El Ranchito, de lunes a viernes, de 9:00 a 18:00 horas. Los resultados se darán a conocer el 15 de junio en la página del H. Ayuntamiento y en las redes sociales del Instituto Municipal de la Juventud.



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  2. Top 7 Testosterone Cycles: The Ultimate Stacking Guide

    # Top 7 Testosterone Cycles: The Ultimate Stacking Guide

    Understanding testosterone cycles can be complex, but it’s essential for anyone looking to optimize their fitness goals.
    Whether you’re a bodybuilder, athlete, or someone
    seeking improved health, this guide will walk you through the ins and outs of testosterone cycling.

    ## What Are the Origins of Testosterone?

    Testosterone is produced by the endocrine system, specifically the testes, in males.
    It plays a crucial role in growth, development, and various bodily functions.
    While it’s primarily associated with male characteristics, women also produce
    testosterone, though in much smaller amounts.

    ## What Are the Different Types of Testosterone?

    There are several types of testosterone, each differing by its ester or chemical structure:

    1. **Testosterone Propionate**: A short-acting ester,
    ideal for quick cycles and cutting.
    2. **Testosterone Enanthate**: A longer-acting ester, commonly used
    for sustained release over weeks.
    3. **Testosterone Cypionate**: Another long-acting form, often preferred for
    its effectiveness in muscle growth.
    4. **Testosterone Undecanoate**: A very long-acting ester, less
    common but provides a slow leak of testosterone into the bloodstream.

    Each type has unique characteristics and is used depending on the desired effects and cycle duration.

    ## Testosterone Suspension

    Testosterone suspension, also known as suspensions or «suspension,» involves the injection of pure
    testosterone without any ester. It is among
    the fastest-acting forms of testosterone, with effects appearing within hours.

    – **Dosage**: Typically ranges from 100-500mg
    per day.
    – **Effects**: Promotes rapid muscle growth and
    strength gains, though it can lead to significant side
    effects like water retention and acne.

    ## Testosterone Propionate

    Testosterone propionate is another short-acting form that’s highly effective for cutting cycles.
    It’s often combined with other steroids for better results, and its short half-life makes it easier to control dosage levels.

    – **Dosage**: Around 100-200mg per day.
    – **Effects**: Reduces water retention compared
    to longer-acting esters, making it a favorite among bodybuilders looking to maintain lean muscle mass while staying shredded.

    ## Testosterone Enanthate and Cypionate

    These are the two most common long-acting forms of testosterone used in steroid cycles.
    Both provide a slow release of testosterone, allowing for prolonged exposure without frequent injections:

    – **Testosterone Enanthate**: Half-life of about 12 days.

    – **Testosterone Cypionate**: Similar to enanthate but slightly longer in duration.

    ## Top 7 Testosterone Cycles

    1. **Test E and Propionate Stack**:
    – Combines the long-lasting effects of testosterone enanthate/cypionate with the rapid action of propionate for a balanced cycle.

    2. **Testosterone Only Cycle**:
    – A basic cycle using only testosterone, often used by beginners but can lead to significant side effects at higher doses.

    3. **Test + Deca (Nandrolone)**:
    – Combines testosterone with nandrolone (deca) for enhanced muscle growth and recovery.

    4. **Test + Trenbolone**:
    – Pairing testosterone with trenbolone, a powerful anabolic steroid used for cutting and endurance.

    5. **Test + Anavar**:
    – Uses anavar to boost strength while minimizing water retention during the

    6. **Test + Dianabol**:
    – Combines the two most potent oral steroids for quick gains in muscle mass.

    7. **TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)**:
    – A legal and medical alternative for individuals with low testosterone levels,
    often used to restore natural hormone production.

    ## What Are the Side Effects of Testosterone?

    – **Acne**: Common side effect, especially in higher doses.

    – **Hair Loss**: Increased DHT conversion can lead to male pattern baldness.

    – **Cardiovascular Issues**: High doses can strain the heart and blood
    – **Other**: Including mood swings, fatigue, and increased aggression.

    ## Testosterone Cycle Before and After

    Seeing before-and-after photos of a testosterone cycle can be motivating.

    However, it’s important to remember that results depend on individual biology, diet, and training.

    ## Testosterone Cycle (Higher Dose)

    At higher doses, the side effects become more pronounced, and the
    risk of complications like testicular atrophy increases. Always use high doses with caution.

    ## Legal Steroid Alternatives That Work

    For those who want to avoid legal trouble, there are natural steroid alternatives

    – **Testofresh**: A supplement designed to boost testosterone levels naturally.

    – **D-Bal**: Mimics the effects of dianabol without
    the steroids.

    These alternatives can provide similar benefits without the
    legal risks associated with anabolic steroids.

    ## Testosterone and Dianabol

    Dianabol is one of the most potent oral steroids, often stacked with
    testosterone for maximum muscle gain. While effective, it carries a high risk of side effects.

    ## Testosterone and Deca Durabolin

    Decca durabolin (nandrolone) works well when combined with testosterone, enhancing muscle growth and recovery.

    ## Testosterone and Trenbolone

    Trenbolone is another powerful steroid that, when used with testosterone, can help you achieve impressive gains in both muscle mass and strength.

    ## Testosterone and Anavar

    Anavar helps in increasing muscle mass without significant
    water retention, making it a great addition to
    any cycle.

    ## Legal Testosterone Stack

    A legal testosterone stack can be created using supplements like
    Testofresh and D-Bal, providing similar benefits to
    anabolic steroids without the legal issues.

    ## Testosterone and Anadrol

    Anadrol (oxandrolone) is one of the most powerful gainers when used with testosterone.
    It’s often included in advanced cycles.

    ## Testosterone, Anadrol, and Trenbolone

    Combining these three can lead to rapid gains in muscle mass
    and strength, though it’s considered a very
    intense cycle and comes with significant side effects.

    ## Frequently Asked Questions

    **Can Testosterone Be Injected Subcutaneously?**

    Yes, but it requires sterile technique to avoid infections.
    Not recommended for beginners due to the risk of side effects.

    **What Is Testosterone Undecanoate?**

    A long-acting form of testosterone that slowly releases
    into the bloodstream, reducing injection frequency.

    **Are the Results From Testosterone Permanent?**

    Results depend on proper use and can be reversed by discontinuing
    the cycle. Overuse can lead to testicular atrophy.

    **Is Testosterone FDA-Approved?**

    No, it’s not approved for non-medical use. It’s only legally
    available with a prescription for TRT in cases of low testosterone.

    **Is Testosterone Legal?**

    Yes, but only when prescribed by a healthcare provider for medical reasons.
    Unauthorized possession is illegal.

    **Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy the Equivalent
    of Taking Steroids?**

    No, TRT is for addressing low testosterone levels and
    restoring natural production. It’s not used to achieve anabolic effects like steroids.

    **What Is the Cost of Testosterone on the Unauthorized Market?**

    Prices vary but can range from $100-$600 per 100mg vial, depending on purity and

    **What Is the Price of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?**

    Costs can range from $50-$150 per month, depending on the dosage and brand.

    **Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy Be Discontinued?**

    Yes, but doing so suddenly can lead to hormonal imbalances.
    Tapering off is recommended.

    **Can Women Administer Testosterone?**

    While possible, it’s not advisable due to the
    risk of side effects and potential harm to their own hormone balance.

    **Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Suitable for Patients With Cardiovascular Disease?**

    Not always; TRT may increase cardiovascular risks in some individuals.
    Consult a healthcare provider before starting.

    ## Summary

    Testosterone cycles can be highly effective for achieving fitness goals,
    but they come with significant risks and legal considerations.
    For those seeking alternatives, natural steroid supplements like
    Testofresh and D-Bal offer similar benefits without the associated dangers.
    Always consult with a medical professional before starting any
    steroid cycle or TRT program.

    ## Co Authors

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    ## References

    1 «Understanding Anabolic Steroids» – National Institute on Drug Abuse
    2 «Testosterone Replacement Therapy» – Mayo Clinic


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